This is my golf bag with cart card. I saw a card with a similar golf bag done by Stacey Carter and I changed it around a little bit. CLICK HERE to see her card. I thought it needed a golf cart too!
I wrote out the basic directions and I added a few pictures to show some things that might be hard to tell by looking at the photo!

To make the handle of the cart I punched with the slot punch to make the hole in black cardstock and then put it inside my word window punch.

To make the bag I used a piece of going gray in 1 3/8" x 3". I put the end half way into the small oval punch like below and punched. This makes the top of the bag

I put the other side inside the punch to get the rounded shape at the bottom. If you put a piece of scrap cardstock inside the punch the right way it is much easier to get your golf bag piece in.

This is what your bag should look like. You also need a black and basic gray small oval. To get the black sliver, see next photo. Don't forget to sponge the sides of your bag with going gray to give it some dimension!

Once you punch your black oval, put the piece of cardstock back into the punch and just take off a little sliver of the top like shown in the punch.

The black full oval goes in back and next your basic gray oval. Then put on your golf clubs and put the bag over that. Last glue the little black sliver at the edge of the top of the bag to make it look like your golf clubs are actually in the bag. You can sponge to add more dimension on the bottom of the basic gray oval.
The handle is just the word window taped to the black grosgrain and taped onto the back of the bag.