Friday, October 14, 2011

Matching Skulls

A week or so ago, I posted this card above with the skull. My son, Timothy, got dressed this morning and put on his skull shirt and then saw the card in my bucket. (He likes to look through and pick out the ones he likes.) He got so excited that they matched, we just had to take pictures! Here he is below with his shirt and the card. I didn't even think of this shirt when I made it and they look exactly the same! I feel a scrapbook page coming on!
(You can see how to make this card HERE!)

As long as I'm posting pictures of the kids, I thought I should put one up of Ashley. We took this before school this morning. We did pigtails for the first time since we cut her hair and she looks so cute! Thank you to all of you who often offer your kind wishes and thoughts for her. She is doing wonderful!
Can you get any more gorgeous than these kids!? I'm not proud or anything though....