Sunday, September 4, 2011

Noah's Ark Thank You Card

Here is the card that I made using my Noah's Ark Gift Box and card set. I made this as a thank you for a neighbor that loaned us their sump pump to bail out our basement for Irene! We had 6 inches of water and gaining with 4 pumps going! However, after seeing the damage that was done to our little town, I can't complain at all. I am in Vermont, so the damage around here has been devastating. We are not one of the stranded towns, thank goodness, but we lost a lot here and right around us. Lot's of roads are closed so it's really hard to get anywhere.
It is getting better day by day but still unreal what some rain did. I thought this card was kind of a funny way to say thank you for the help!

Here is the original Noah's Ark card and box that I made below!