Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bow Makers for Sale to Benefit Diabetes!

I have had such a huge response to the bow makers that my mother made and I gave to my downline for Christmas that my mother decided to make more that will be for sale!

They are going to be $12 each and that includes shipping in the US & Canada!!

$6 of that amount will go to my mother for wood and the shipping cost and the other $6 will go to our Downhill for Diabetes fundraiser!!
You can get this great tool for a great price and help out kids with diabetes all at the same time!! It's a win-win!

If you want to order one of the bow makers, you can pay through Paypal or you can mail a check to my mom. Just email my mom at and you can set up the shipping and payment details!

You can see all the details about our Downhill for Diabetes fundraiser that this will benefit by

I hope you will check out our new site and join us for the event! it's going to be a lot of fun!

To get the directions on how to use the bow maker CLICK HERE!